The school meals are prepared on the premises. This ensures that only food of the highest quality is served to the children and includes as few additives as possible. It is the policy of the school that no child will be compelled to eat anything that they do not like, but we do encourage children to try new things. Menus are reviewed regularly according to the children’s preferences and updates sent out to parents.
If your child has special dietary needs these can usually be catered for. Please discuss these special dietary needs with the School Business Manager before sending your child for school meals. A letter from a Medical Practitioner is required for any child with special dietary requirements or food allergies.
The school uses ‘Parent Pay’ for the collection of Dinner, Trips and breakfast club monies. Please speak to the office for further details about this system.
If you wish your child to change from taking a school meal to a packed lunch (or vice versa) half a term’s notice is required. Children must stay on the same meal pattern and not change daily.
As part of the “Healthy Eating” policy, the school does not allow the children to bring sweets, chocolate bars etc. to school for lunch/ break times. This helps to protect the children’s teeth and to keep the school free from litter. The children may bring a piece of fruit for playtimes and should place litter produced in the bins provided. Children in Early Years and KS1 are given free fruit as part of the Government Free Fruit Scheme.
Please do not send nuts or peanut butter into school. This is for safety reasons as we do have children
in school with severe nut allergies.
Breakfast Club
The school currently runs a Breakfast Club five mornings a week serving breakfast between 8:15am – 8:40 am. The children are taken to their classes from breakfast club. Breakfast Club is currently FREE for all children as we are funded by the Greggs Foundation. Please note, children should not be dropped off and left unattended before 8:15am when the doors open.