Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
All staff have an up-to-date understanding of safeguarding children issues and are able to implement the safeguarding policy and procedures.
Staff are able to respond appropriately to any:
significant changes in a pupil’s behaviour; deterioration in general well-being;
unexplained marks, bruising or signs of possible abuse;
signs of neglect;
comments pupils make which may give cause for concern;
All staff are aware of the need to maintain privacy and confidentiality.
Information Sharing
We have an obligation to collect necessary information from parents and carers in advance of a pupil being admitted to school including:
emergency contact numbers;
the child’s special dietary requirements;
the child’s special health requirements;
information about who has the legal contact with the child and parental responsibility for the child.
Written parental permission is requested, at the time of the child’s admission to the provision, to the seeking of any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment in the future.
Links with External Agencies
Our first concern must be the well-being of the pupil. There may be some occasions where we liaise with other agencies before we contact parents. The procedures we follow have been laid down in accordance with the Local Authority Child Protection Procedures.
Other agencies we work with include the school nurse, community police, health practitioners, social services, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), educational psychologists etc. and specialists who support pupils with specific needs.
Please request our complaints policy if you have any comments or complaints about our safeguarding procedures.
Review of Policy and Practice
Our policies and practice are reviewed at least annually to incorporate the latest statutory guidance and Department of Education information.
Safeguarding at Heathfield Primary School
At Heathfield Primary School, we regard the safeguarding of all pupils as our main priority. Safeguarding is at the centre of our practice and policies. We believe that all pupils have the right to be happy, to be safe and to learn and work in partnership with all members of the school community to protect our children from harm. It is the responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with children to keep them safe.
We will ensure that:
All pupils, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender identity, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual orientation have the right to be safe and protected from harm.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
All staff and volunteers at Heathfield Primary school have a responsibility to report any concerns to the designated leads for safeguarding.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Peter Kirby-Bowstead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Carvey, Mrs Evans, Mrs Hindson and Mrs Lowther - Responsibility for managing vulnerable children and ensuring workforce clearly understands their responsibilities.
DSL and LAC Designated Teacher: Ensures PEPS are up to date and current.
SENCO: The role of the SENCO is paramount in supporting vulnerable children.
The importance of meeting and greeting to ensure children are ready to learn.
Ensure children subject to a school plan including behaviour, EHC, CIN and LAC plans are fully supported.
Administration of Medicine, First Aid and Intimate Care Policies
Staff Behaviour Policy - The policy keeps staff safe. All staff know and understand the expectations. This policy is a non-negotiable.
Induction - A clear and robust approach to ensuring all staff understand and know how to put policy into practice.
We create a culture of vigilance where there is reflection and consideration of all processes to ensure they are secure and robust.
Children are handed over to a known adult.
All staff have read and understand Part 1, Annex A of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.
Recruitment and Selection Policy including Safer Recruitment.
Building Maintenance Officer -Responsibility for maintaining a safe school site.
Robust Procedures linked to risk assessing school visits and trips.
Mobile Phone and Camera Policy.
Supervision both in the classrooms and outside.
Internal doors securely closed.
Safe playtime equipment
Annual check of the PE equipment.
Risk Management
Padlocks regularly checked to ensure they open and close easily
Within the curriculum we teach children how to manage risk and keep themselves safe
Relationship Education policy and practice
Building a "listening" school where pupil voice is paramount.
British Values
Bicycle training and Pedestrian training
ID badges and Visitor badges