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Current Local Governing Body
Our Local Governing Body comprises of a range of representatives from our local area - including parents - who collaborate with the Headteacher to continue to drive forward school development. Our Governors act as 'critical friends' who both celebrate the strengths of the school and the developments made, and also who challenge us to continue to make improvements and strive for continued excellence.
Our Local Governing Body meet three times a year for termly LGB Meetings, where the progress of the school is discussed and celebrated, and our Governors provide challenge to leaders around the next steps that are required. This is in addition to an annual 'Curriculum Impact Challenge Meeting' at the beginning of each academic year, where leaders are challenged in regards to the impact of the Heathfield Curriculum on standards and what - if any - considerations are required to continue to drive standards upwards. Governors also complete link visits, where specific focus is given to key aspects of school such as SEND provision, Early Years, teaching and learning and wellbeing.
Our Governors represent a cross section of our community, which includes staff, parents and other professionals from across our locality.
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