School Brochure
Our School Brochure is available to view here:​​
We expect all children to be in school each day - unless they are poorly. As a school, we have a legal duty to know where our children are for each school day, so if you child is going to be absent, you MUST telephone the school by 9am to let us know. If we do not hear from you, we will call relevant contact numbers (and emergency contact numbers) to find out why your child is not in school. If we have no response, a member of staff may carry out a home visit.
We would appreciate it, if as far as possible, appointments are made for outside of school times.
Our doors open at 8.45am, All children must be in school by 9am, for registration.
Registration is also at 1.15pm for the afternoon session.
If a child arrives at school after 8.55am, they must enter school via the main entrance - and not the classroom doors.
The School Day
The school day starts at 8.45am for all children and finishes at 3.15pm in KS1 and KS2. The school day finishes at 3.05pm for children in Reception, and 2.45pm for children in Nursery. The children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have a 15 minute break during the morning, and all children get an hour at lunchtime.
We expect all children, from the day they start school, to develop good attitudes to homework. The expectations will vary from year group to year group - but whatever the age of the child, we do expect children to read at least 4 times each week at home. Reading with, and to, children is the greatest gift parents can give their child in relation to long term academic success!
School Uniform and Standards
To wear a uniform with pride says something special about a child belonging to a school. As such, our children will be expected to wear a uniform throughout their time at Heathfield. The school colour is Royal Blue. – no branded items are compulsory in our school.​
Basic Uniform
​Black Flat Shoes
Black or grey trousers/skirts or a pinafore dress
White polo shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
In Winter: a school jumper or cardigan, black skirt, black pinafore or black school trousers, with white polo shirt or shirt.
In Summer: children can choose to wear a blue gingham dress, or black short trousers.
all children need a waterproof coat - as a little bit of rain doesn't stop us enjoying our playtimes!
We expect... 'PE Day' Uniform
School jumper (they take this off for PE)
Plain or school logo white polo or scoop neck t-shirt
Plain black PE shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms (no stripes or other colours please)
Trainers (as plain as you can – no luminous colours). Black is ideal. áá
It is important that all items are clearly marked (and re-marked at intervals) with the child's name. A great effort is made to restore lost items, which proves difficult when not named.
General Presentation
Children to have smart haircuts, and strongly discourage radical designs, such as tramlines, patterns, coloured dyes. The Headteacher reserves the right to decide if a haircut is ‘radical’.
Children are not allowed jewellery other than a watch and a single stud in each ear, which must be removed or covered for PE
Children are not allowed to wear make-up in school. This includes nail varnish.
Term Dates
Our term date are available to view here:
School Meals
All meals are free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If you have any worries about your child's eating - please do get in touch. The school uses ‘Parent Pay’ for the collection of Dinner, Trips and breakfast club monies. Please speak to the office for further details about this system.
For children who are opting for a packed lunch, please ensure healthy options are included and that no products containing nuts are brought into school as we are a nut free school. This includes hazelnut chocolate spread, Kinder hazelnut products and pesto (which is made of pine nuts).
Our School menu is available to view here:
Compliments and Complaints
We all love to hear positive feedback - so please do not hesitate to pass on occasions when you are happy or impressed with our school. Similarly, we also want to hear when things haven't gone as planned: if you wish to make a complaint it is always best to approach your child's class teacher first. An appointment can also be made with the Headteacher to discuss more serious issues.
If the matter cannot be dealt with in this manner or if you wish to escalate a complaint, the Lingfield Education Trust has procedures for the consideration of complaints, please see our Trust Complaints Policy here: