Maths Curriculum
At Heathfield Primary School, our maths culture, that underpins and informs all that we do, is based around our shared belief that all of our children can be mathematicians – and enjoy the journey of getting there! Our culture is one of all staff members being the best prepared possible to ensure all children can master all of maths.
This culture informs the intent of our maths curriculum: all children to factually fluent, procedurally fluent and flexibly fluent so that they can reason to solve problems. We know this intent will give them the best possible chance to master maths at secondary school and have confidence in the workplace and everyday life situations. We intend for our children to be life-long lovers of maths. Our curriculum is designed so that all children learn content in the right order and for the right amount of time.
To implement our curriculum, we base our pedagogy around a consistent lesson delivery model (LDM) that fuses together the best of cognitive science approaches and the mastery approach to maths. Our robust LDM has several benefits:
•It acts as daily CPD for our staff about the most effective way to help children learn mathematical content
• Allows predictability and consistency for children, especially those with SEND needs
•Acts as a daily induction model for new staff
To ensure that our curriculum has the desired impact, we have a robust assessment, monitoring and CPD model:
•End of unit and end of term assessments allow staff to plan for appropriate interventions and next steps, while allowing our maths lead to know what is working and what needs improving.
•Regular monitoring activities also highlight where the curriculum and pedagogical approach are working and where improvements are needed.
•From this evidence base, whole-school and targeted CPD can be planned for and delivered to ensure that all of our staff can help all of our children can be mathematicians.
We believe strongly that all children can learn their intended curriculum if it is sequenced correctly and affords children enough time to learn mathematical content. For that reason we have based our curriculum around the following materials:
•White Rose Maths
•NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation
•Oak National Academy
•NCETM Mastering Number EYFS
•Number Sense Fact Fluency
•DfE Teaching Children to Calculate Mentally
•Master the Curriculum
Learning sequences identify linked mental maths/fact fluency starters; where a dedicated practical lesson is required; where a problem-solving lesson fits; when assessment/pause/stretch should take place; and when a practice lesson is required to allow children to simply consolidate what they have learnt.